Regarding pictures my life was all but leisure. The trouble shooting pictures, taken to document mechanical failures interested only the pertinent experts, and I never took pictures of mutilated bodies. Besides, during my ONLY occasional vacations I even avoided to meet friends to dedicate more time to my wife. Then, respecting the tradition of a mariners family, I retired into a village where trees, sheep and domestic animals make life pleasant. What pictures to take with so many seen in TV? Regarding finally the odd ones I managed to find 4: 1st, mine in master mariner uniform; AM had that already. 2nd, mine as a young officer of the Italian Navy; 3rd, my German wife an I at a reception in the Early 70s and 4th, a recent one of mine taken to renew a document.

Regarding my deficient computer literacy, I can remark that the Oil Majors offered secretaries with university degree, and a master mariner was not requested to ‘waste’ time editing.

Regarding interacting with my readers I can’t refuse it, but I will never sweeten my answers because any world of efficiency is and will be only a system of equations.

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